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Anchoring Light Healings

Guiding you home to your true Divine Self

Shamanic energy healing - Emotional & trauma support specialists - Intuitive guidance - Remote healing journeys - Plant medicine preparation & integration - Embodied transmissions - Melodic energy attunements (Icaros)
 & so much more!!!

Green Reflection

Welcome to Anchoring Light Healings  

We are so happy to have you with us!!!  It is a very deep honor for us to support you through this wild journey of life and all of the healing that is part of your soul's evolution.

This is a virtual sanctuary created by Carolina and Pedro, a loving and compassionate couple who are deeply initiated in shamanic energetic healing techniques with a huge amount of experience and great success in guiding, supporting and transforming a broad spectrum of traumas to be re-birthed into gifts of strength and loving wisdom.

​This is a genuine, kind, and loving place capable of supporting and holding you through whatever level of grief, trauma, sadness, shame, anxiety, depression or confusion you may be facing. A place where you can experience profound healing at the very core of your being with tried and tested combinations of heart-centered, empowering, and truly effective healing tools and guidance shared with great integrity.  We support people at both the beginning and very advanced levels of their healing journeys.

You can probably relate to the feeling of having tried very hard to make changes in your life, but have found yourself coming up against deeply ingrained thought patterns and conditioning which seem impossible to transcend.  Or, after having made significant progress, life gives you a challenging situation that triggers you and you find yourself back in the same negative patterns, emotions and coping mechanisms and then you feel hopeless and dis-empowered.

One of our greatest gifts is helping you to re-frame and broaden your perspective of how you approach these parts of yourself that have suffered and are needing greater amounts of care to feel safe, respected, and acknowledged in order to reclaim their innocence and a sense of wholeness once again.  Everything we teach is rooted in deep love and compassion and not just because that sounds nice, but because we have put it to the test with ourselves and the many we have served, with great success in reclaiming happiness and accessing true levels of benefit and lasting transformation. 

A very unique part of our work that really sets our healings apart from other modalities, is what happens through our sacred songs called icaros.  The best way to describe it is a conversation with, and healing of your soul.  We are able to work with you on very deep levels beyond the conscious mind.  To converse with and support your inner child, your emotional body, your physical body, your nervous system, your patterns of conditioning, as well as your true divine blueprint.  This level of energy work will integrate all the new tools we will share with you in ways that once experienced you will understand.  It's hard to give words to the miracles we have witnessed! 

Whether you have big traumas you know about, feel depressed or anxious and don't know why, have generational traumas, have addictions, have suffered a loss, have a physical illness, have suffered abuse, want to feel a deeper connection to the Divine, are integrating spiritual work through modalities like plant medicine, or want to expand your consciousness and capacity to serve others.  We are passionately here to share all that we have learned in our 11 plus years of deep shamanic initiation and service to well over a thousand people coming for deep healing.  


From our fullest hearts,

Pedro & Carolina

Through the ups and downs and the highs and lows, feel supported as we weave the light of our collective divinity into the human experience through this loving community!

Join our mailing list to stay connected!

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Join us for weekly calls with in-depth explorations around key topics relating to our human experience and healing journeys.


We will share with you the wisdom we have gained from our years of successfully assisting people to reframe their perspectives and transform their lives in the most embodied and integrated way.

Whether you're new to the path of healing and spiritual growth or have been exploring for many years. We're here to meet you exactly where you're at and we welcome you to join us in Anchoring Light onto the Earth.

A little bit about us…


We met and fell deeply in love in the Amazon jungle in 2012.  We had both discovered the path of plant medicine in the Shipibo tradition, which we continued to follow for the next 11 years. 


Little did we know when it all began that we were

stepping onto the path of becoming deeply initiated healers within the shamanic world.  After many years of dedicated apprenticeship we began working independently of our teachers. 

In many ways, this was when aspects of our own unique and specific medicine really began to spread their wings and take flight.  


During our years of service inside of traditionally held Ayahuasca ceremonies it was in 2020 that we began offering our healing work remotely without the use of any plant medicines at all.  As our initiations continued we cultivated deeper and deeper levels of intuition and vision within the fabric of our own beings through our connection to the divine.  And our healings gained the same potency outside of ceremony.



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There is a Divine language of higher consciousness that is familiar to all of our hearts and souls.  And it's alive within the songs we sing to you!

Second Tueday of every month - Beginning October 10, 2023!

Join our community for our powerful monthly group healings of a 1 hour plus virtual ceremony of embodied transmissions,icaros (melodic energy attunements), and prayers.


A time for you to deeply care for and nourish all aspects of your being as you receive frequencies of purity and love into your heart and home!


Here are the words of one of countless people we have supported...

"I was guided to Pedro’s remote sessions during one of the most difficult times of my life due to an energetic entanglement. I was no longer able to go to work, care for my daughter and sometimes even to get out of bed. At the time I didn’t understand what was happening and was incredibly scared and confused.


Pedro’s compassionate approach and authentic interest in helping inspired trust, which was essential to opening my heart and being receptive to guidance and reflections shared by Pedro.


By asking the right questions he was rather swift in identifying the root cause of challenge I was facing. The first time Pedro prayed and sang the icaros over me felt like a tidal wave of infinite light, which brought an immediate energetic relief, strong enough to shift my entire state of being.


Remote sessions with Pedro have genuinely saved my life. Thank you Angels who guided me to his helping hands"


Sandra - Costa Rica

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A personalized experience of intuitive healing & guidance that’s always rooted in deep love and compassion.


It is our honor to help you to expand your understanding and bring you into deeper states of harmony and empowerment through our unique

approach to healing.

Purify your body, mind and soul in the cool pristine rivers and warm waters of the ocean, immersed in the healing energy & natural rhythm of the Earth.


We are excited to offer 3-5 Day intensive transformational journeys where you will receive daily healings & Integration sessions with both Carolina & Pedro.


In this intimate and focused space, you will have a great opportunity to meet all layers of yourself in a loving and powerful container, bringing it all up into the light for transformation, while being supported in healing core wounds and guided forward onto the path of embodied joy and heart centered living.

For a full immersion into our embodied energy medicine, holistic teachings, loving support and heart-centered guidance we invite you to join our most comprehensive virtual healing exploration.

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© 2024 Anchoring Light Healings. All rights reserved.

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